Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bam Bam the Blogger Man

Today I set my father up with his own blog. By all rights, this man should have had the very first ever blog. He has been writing letters to everyone about everything as long as I can remember. (I still have a letter he wrote me when I was 2 years old.)

Without doubt, BamBamtheBloggerman will be prolific. Who knows? Maybe he'll end up with a book deal.

Oh, by the way. I support the right to free speech. That doesn't mean I subscribe to all the ideas presented by my blogging associates. I subscribe to some.


Anonymous said...

OK, I am new to this whole "Blogging" thing, but if Kirmit the Blog can have a place to say his piece, so can I. It's all your fault, you started it and made him get a computer. Therefore, I have posted my own blog. Now if his Blog is Kirmit the Blog, just what would my blog be named???? Look and see! http://LGMTR6.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

I found older people are afriad of computers. Given my recent expereinces "learning the ropes", I'd advise against it.

But that's me and the eldery are often scammed - - as are younger folks too.

Just food for thought. Be leary is my motto.

Good Luck,