Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Blogitis: It's Contagious

As you know, last week I helped my father establish his blog Kermit the Blog. He was worried about being found. (Actually it was Mary who wondered how anyone would find him. I don't think my father ever really considered it.) As luck, and the laws of the Internet would have it, my pal Jess called me this morning and reported that my brother now has his own blog! It's called Frog Spawn. They had met each other via Kermit.

I remember the world before the Internet. It was pretty difficult to meet people from other places unless you traveled a lot. You might have a zillion opinions, and even possess the gift of expressing those opinions, but only a very few would ever be seen or heard or read. Today, it takes less than one week to connect people of differing points of view and in different locales. If we had used Facebook to promote Dad's blog, we could have propelled him into the top rankings even as a newbie.

Despite it's many shortcomings, the Internet continues to provide us with opportunities that were not available just a few short years (OK, a decade) ago. Technology has changed our lives forever.

Has technology helped or hindered your life? Use the comments feature to post your response. Each response must be 200 words or less, and should start with "HELPED:" or "HINDERED:" Only one comment per category per user. (Yes, that means that you get to contribute one "helped" and one "hindered", separately.) Ask your friends to participate. I'm thinking of going back to grad school and need a dissertation topic!


Deb said...

HINDRANCE: Technology makes me multi-task way beyond the limitations of my brain. I miss the days of being able to focus on a single project for long enough to turn out quality work. Email, voice mail, web-based everything...oy vey.

Jess said...

I met my husband

I get to meet other people's husbands

ROFL! :)

Deb said...

You're killing me! Can I post a second hindrance? No, wait! Let's come up with 101 actual annoying things our husbands do!!

Jess said...

101 annoying things husbands do:


That should be in the whole "oath" you take when you get married. Ok they want "obey" in there? Fine, then put in the thing about husbands shall not bitch at wives lest they lose certain body parts...
