Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Stop the Canadian Seal Hunt

The slaughter of 275,000 baby seals began at dawn on Friday, March 25, 2008. Condoned by the Canadian government, this represents the largest organized killing of marine animals on Earth. There is nothing humane about it. Baby seals are bludgeoned to death. In some cases, they are skinned alive.

Many of us have signed a pledge to boycott Canadian seafood until this barbaric practice is stopped. I think we can take this one step further, and perhaps get the attention of other groups whose livelihoods might be affected.

Last weekend I bought several beautiful tomato and herb plants from Bonnie Plants, an Alabama grower. I was getting ready to plant them when I noticed that their environmentally friendly pots were made in Canada. The plants went back to Lowe's, and I sent a note to the company explaining why.

If we boycott enough Canadian products, and it affects enough other businesses, perhaps the Canadian government will listen. It won't take much of your time. Just read the labels on the products you purchase. If it says "Made in Canada", put it back on the shelf and send an email.


Jess said...

this is another one of those times I'm ashamed to be a member of the human race. i am so sick by it I couldn't stop crying. I signed it and sent it on to Vin, Kim, Mom, Dad and Jeff.

Deb said...

Thanks, Jess. We'll keep it going. ~RQ